Dear 2010: You were a rough, yet memorable and blessed year!
I have so many memories of this year, things I'd like to forget and things I always want to remember. 2010 started with our family moving into our new home. Pouring finances, sweat and tears into a home that we hope and pray to be in for the 'rest of our lives'. Alicea, our sweet middle child started kindergarten. She was so ready to begin her lifelong learning venture! Maya never ceased to surprise, stress us out, and inspire us year long. John created a closer bond with his 'abuelito' this year, learning all about sheep and horses, and climbing fences.
Many times, I (and I'm sure we can all relate) get caught up in the 'now' so much that I miss what is truly happening around me. I am so worried about being the best mom that I can be (getting laundry done, dinner ready, house cleaned, etc...) that I forget about just being a mom. I want my children to know that I will always be there (with my husband's help of course) to Listen, Lead, and Love! God help me!
I have a good feeling about the upcoming year. Of course, I have not started my New Year Resolutions yet....and not quite sure if I will this year. No matter what I did, or did not accomplish in 2010, I pray that 2011 is full of inspiration to myself, my family and friends.
Do any of you save stuff, put it away and think, "When my kids are older, I want them to have this"? Well, I just came across this article in Real Simple online. 5 Surprising Items to Save for your Kids is a good article and shares some good ideas as well.
Check back soon! I will be writing about fashion, makeup and Avon (of course). Dont forget to find me on facebook (Momaritza Parreira) and follow me on this site!
New year's blessings!
Being a MOM is hectic, fun....sometimes insane- But I Love It! I'm always on the lookout for info. and things that keep me grounded, inspire my creative side, and help keep me organized! Hope this helps you do the same...
Love Mark - Love Avon? I always have catalogs handy for your browsing leisure--just ask me!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Campaign 26 - Great Deals
If you have recently placed an order, your order is scheduled to arrive this week!
Also, you will find this very cool Butler Basics Tote Bag on page 31 of Campaign 26.
Here are the details:

Sale Price: $34.99
Also listed is the coordinating wallet:
Organizer Wallet
Leather-like wristlet wallet. Exterior has a slip and zip pocket. Approx. 4 1/3" H x 8" L, closed.
Sale Price: $12.99
Fashionably organized
Butler Bag: everything has a place… and stays in place
Organizer Wallet: with photo slots, credit card slip pockets, checkbook and pen holder, coin pocket and center zip pocket.
Leather-like wristlet wallet. Exterior has a slip and zip pocket. Approx. 4 1/3" H x 8" L, closed.
Sale Price: $12.99
Fashionably organized
Butler Bag: everything has a place… and stays in place
Organizer Wallet: with photo slots, credit card slip pockets, checkbook and pen holder, coin pocket and center zip pocket.
Mineral Makeup - Smooth Minerals by Avon on Sale. See pic below or this link to view in more detail.
Please email me or call me with any questions you may have!!! I will be placing another order next week and I'd like new orders submitted by Wednesday December 8th!!!!
Thanks and God Bless...
Just Giving!
As November is closing in on us, and the hustle and bustle of December is before us, I can not help but be amazed at how quickly December snuck up on us. Totally not fair! (as my girls would say). Our tree and decorations are up and I have begun to play Christmas songs any chance I get. I'm even thinking of adding hot chocolate to my children's daily diet...but only for this month!
As we wrap up or start our shopping list, let's not forget those who go without every day. Often times my heart melts when I see my oldest daughter, Maya, care about others. A couple of days ago, we were picking up pizzas at a local Little Caesar's, and before we entered the store, we saw an old dishheveled man, picking through the garbage, looking in bags and opening food wrappers and setting them aside in his basket. I saw that Maya had noticed. Since I was in a hurry, I quickly opened the door and started walking in. I noticed Maya was walking slower and was still at the door. She glanced at me and gave me 'The Look'. OOOh, I know that look. With almost tear filled eyes, she looked at me and nodded her head. I knew what she was thinking. Once she was inside the store, I asked her what she thought about us buying an extra pizza and giving it to him. Her face lit up and she quickly agreed! As we ordered the pizzas she kept looking back, making sure the man hadn't left. Finally, with pizzas in hand, she quickly grabbed the top one and jetted towards the door. I quickly followed her. I walked with her towards the man, and offered him the warm pizza. He looked up and said 'Yes, Thank you', took it and walked away. As soon as the man was far away from us that he couldnt hear, Maya then began to explain to me that the man was probably taking the pizza home to his hungry family. And if he didn't have a family, then that pizza would last him a couple of days. (She amazes me every day!) I wish I was more like her sometimes. I pray that she continues with her warm and giving heart, (although I must say that she does have a sassy streak to her) and that her younger sister and brother will follow right along.
I know this story was a bit long, but I truly pray that most of our giving spirits were year round, and not only during the holidays. I pray that this will remind my family and others to always give!
As we wrap up or start our shopping list, let's not forget those who go without every day. Often times my heart melts when I see my oldest daughter, Maya, care about others. A couple of days ago, we were picking up pizzas at a local Little Caesar's, and before we entered the store, we saw an old dishheveled man, picking through the garbage, looking in bags and opening food wrappers and setting them aside in his basket. I saw that Maya had noticed. Since I was in a hurry, I quickly opened the door and started walking in. I noticed Maya was walking slower and was still at the door. She glanced at me and gave me 'The Look'. OOOh, I know that look. With almost tear filled eyes, she looked at me and nodded her head. I knew what she was thinking. Once she was inside the store, I asked her what she thought about us buying an extra pizza and giving it to him. Her face lit up and she quickly agreed! As we ordered the pizzas she kept looking back, making sure the man hadn't left. Finally, with pizzas in hand, she quickly grabbed the top one and jetted towards the door. I quickly followed her. I walked with her towards the man, and offered him the warm pizza. He looked up and said 'Yes, Thank you', took it and walked away. As soon as the man was far away from us that he couldnt hear, Maya then began to explain to me that the man was probably taking the pizza home to his hungry family. And if he didn't have a family, then that pizza would last him a couple of days. (She amazes me every day!) I wish I was more like her sometimes. I pray that she continues with her warm and giving heart, (although I must say that she does have a sassy streak to her) and that her younger sister and brother will follow right along.
I know this story was a bit long, but I truly pray that most of our giving spirits were year round, and not only during the holidays. I pray that this will remind my family and others to always give!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Cleaning 101
I hope my mother never reads this post! I'm sure this goes against everything she has ever 'taught' me.
I recently came across this article in Real Simple (yup, my favorite magazine and website) that is a Cleaning 101. You will find a section on How To Fake a Clean House as well as Surprising New Cleaning Solutions and other tips on keeping a clean house. If there is anything I want (need) these days, its a housecleaner. One that comes every day and picks up after everyone, does the dishes, dusts...oh, yeah and cooks dinner! Then again, I could take Maya's advice. Whenever I used to ask her to make her bed she replies (kinda confused) by asking why she has to make her bed, if it is just gonna get messed up again that evening. (Hhhmmmm, she's actually right! But she'll never know that). Take some time to click on these links. You might be surprised and learn a few things.
Happy Cleaning!
I recently came across this article in Real Simple (yup, my favorite magazine and website) that is a Cleaning 101. You will find a section on How To Fake a Clean House as well as Surprising New Cleaning Solutions and other tips on keeping a clean house. If there is anything I want (need) these days, its a housecleaner. One that comes every day and picks up after everyone, does the dishes, dusts...oh, yeah and cooks dinner! Then again, I could take Maya's advice. Whenever I used to ask her to make her bed she replies (kinda confused) by asking why she has to make her bed, if it is just gonna get messed up again that evening. (Hhhmmmm, she's actually right! But she'll never know that). Take some time to click on these links. You might be surprised and learn a few things.
Happy Cleaning!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Still not convinced?
Are you still not convinced that Avon products are good? Well, to be honest with you, I was a skeptic at first. When most of us think of Avon, we think of Catalogs... and lots of 'em... filled with tons of stuff... like soap on a rope- (That's for you, Myriam!), lipsticks, perfumes that grandma would wear, seasonal products, and bubble bath (in like 10 different scents)...oh, and let's not forget the lip balm with the whole year's calendar printed on it! Let me just tell you that Avon products have come a loooooong way! I have been pleasantly surprised in the past years as I peruse those catalogs filled with stuff. Their perfumes are fantastic, and their Anew skincare is a bestseller!
I came across this information that I think you will find very informative and helpful. This Avon comparison chart helped me decide to sell Avon and Mark products.
I came across this information that I think you will find very informative and helpful. This Avon comparison chart helped me decide to sell Avon and Mark products.
Campaign 25 Catalogs:
If you would like to order from this catalog, please email me your order by November 23rd, to ensure I get your order in on time. Please indicate the 6 digit number and brief description. I will confirm your order by responding to your email. There is a great deal going on with the Anew skincare (Buy one get any for $10!!!) Please feel free email me any questions you may have. If you would like to see a catalog, email me your mailing address and I will make sure you get one. There is also the Mark Magalog that is full of holiday ideas, and some beautiful makeup shades and scents!
Feel free to leave a comment or 'follow me'.
Thanks for reading...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Are You Hosting Thanksgiving This Year? Keep it Simple!
This year, my family is hosting Thanksgiving. Thanks to one of my favorite magazines, Real Simple has created a very useful checklist that I think you can use. I will be sure to print this out and post it on my fridge. Check out Real Simple's Website Thanksgiving Timeline Checklist. I will also add that Real Simple is one of my all time favorite sites that I visit regularly. It is easy to navigate and has tons of organizational ideas and lists (For those who don't know me well.....I love lists!!!! Just ask my husband). I hope you find this helpful. Please email me with any ideas or thoughts, or with your favorite sites. I'll be posting again soon!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Is it 'No-vember' or 'Yes-vember' ?
I heard this radio commercial on my way to work about a grocery store declaring 'No-vember' to be 'Yes-vember' (Yes, their items were cheaper, Yes they were better...etc) and I got to thinking that fall is officially here, and NOVEMBER has offically arrived, whether we like it or not. As I started packing up all of my Halloween decorations, I could not help but think that this year is quickly slipping away, and I reminded myself that I must document as much as possible all of my children's accomplishments, struggles, funny faces, and even those 'Maya-isms' that I never want to forget. So, as you read this, dont forget to do just that! Pick up that digital camera or IPhone with those hundreds of pictures still saved in 'memory', weed through them. Upload them to Costco. (From your IPhone you can even email them to and retrieve them later on using your email address and logging onto your account). Share them with your family this Thanksgiving!
To my Avon clients: Campaign 24 is officially underway!
The catalog is full of Christmas gift ideas. There are also some great deals on scent collections- and my favorite is Outspoken- by Fergie (I kinda like it!) A 4pc. collection for $36.00 includes parfum, perfumed pendant, body lotion and gift bag. Ask me for a scent sample!
I'll keep you updated on sales and promotions as they come my way. Thanks again for visiting my blog.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tips anyone?
I am hooked on this site! Love it Love it Love it! I mut say this is my guilty pleasure and one of the reasons I stay up late. Look up If you have to plan a party, event, holiday gathering or just need ideas, this is a great place to start. This gal is extremely organized, yet very creative. (In my perfect world, that would me ME).
Earlier this week I was perusing I came across Allure's Top Beauty Finds. Listed was Avon's very own MARK Save the Day Anti Acne Concealer. They compared it to others on the market, and this came out on top- just under $9. Yay! Free advertising! See for yourself. Just go to and look under their Beauty & Fashion/Makeup, Skin Care & Hair/Best of Beauty Picks:Cheap Thrills. (I know you have to go searching a bit, but the list is interesting.
And for all my Aging Beauties out there: Also on a similar list on was The Best of Beauty: Anti-Aging. Avon was listed again Avon Anew Clinical Advanced Retexturizing Peel. Swipe on a self-neutralizing glycolic acid pad at bedtime, then sleep easy knowing fewer lines and a more youthful glow are just weeks away. $25 for 30 pads.
Well, it's nice to know that these products are being tested against other higher end products on the market and they are coming out on top.
Campaign 23 is wrapping up, and Campaign 24 is starting now. Please email me and let me know if you'd like to see a catalog. I'd love to mail you one! I know it is somewhat difficult to view things online.
Happy Halloween and All Saints Day
God Bless
Earlier this week I was perusing I came across Allure's Top Beauty Finds. Listed was Avon's very own MARK Save the Day Anti Acne Concealer. They compared it to others on the market, and this came out on top- just under $9. Yay! Free advertising! See for yourself. Just go to and look under their Beauty & Fashion/Makeup, Skin Care & Hair/Best of Beauty Picks:Cheap Thrills. (I know you have to go searching a bit, but the list is interesting.
And for all my Aging Beauties out there: Also on a similar list on was The Best of Beauty: Anti-Aging. Avon was listed again Avon Anew Clinical Advanced Retexturizing Peel. Swipe on a self-neutralizing glycolic acid pad at bedtime, then sleep easy knowing fewer lines and a more youthful glow are just weeks away. $25 for 30 pads.
Well, it's nice to know that these products are being tested against other higher end products on the market and they are coming out on top.
Campaign 23 is wrapping up, and Campaign 24 is starting now. Please email me and let me know if you'd like to see a catalog. I'd love to mail you one! I know it is somewhat difficult to view things online.
Happy Halloween and All Saints Day
God Bless
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Welcome to my blog!
So I may be totally crazy for starting a's not like I don't already have enough stuff on my plate...I've been wanting to start one, and I kinda have an excuse now. For those of you who don't know yet, I have recently become an Avon Salesrep. I am using this site to promote and hopefullly sell some Avon. I am also going to share some neat ideas, timesaving tips, pictures, thoughts, basically anything I think is cool.
So why MoMaritza you ask? Well, I am a mom and my name is Maritza. Kinda cheesy but kinda catchy.
Because I have a full time job, 3 kids, a husband, and a tight schedule, I am not going to be posting daily. But please check in often and shop frequently :-)
Since I am new to Avon, I am still getting the basics down pat, so bear with me. Basically, orders are submitted every two weeks. The next order date will be Tuesday October 26th. You have 2 options to order. One is to order online, and the other is to email me your order. I will also have catalogs handy for those who would like an actual copy.
(I must also add that I am not a perfect speller, so please excuse my goofs and goofiness).
God Bless,
So why MoMaritza you ask? Well, I am a mom and my name is Maritza. Kinda cheesy but kinda catchy.
Because I have a full time job, 3 kids, a husband, and a tight schedule, I am not going to be posting daily. But please check in often and shop frequently :-)
Since I am new to Avon, I am still getting the basics down pat, so bear with me. Basically, orders are submitted every two weeks. The next order date will be Tuesday October 26th. You have 2 options to order. One is to order online, and the other is to email me your order. I will also have catalogs handy for those who would like an actual copy.
(I must also add that I am not a perfect speller, so please excuse my goofs and goofiness).
God Bless,
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