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Monday, February 7, 2011

Need last minute Valentine Gift Ideas???

Thanks to the creative genius - Laurie Turk from TipJunkie, she has compiled some sweet ideas (some less difficult than others) that you can use! Here's a sneak peak:

I 'heart' tipjunkie




Let's start tackling...

So I know that John is going to hate me for posting his picture (kinda big, I know) on my blog. He knew I was going to be using it....but I don't think he realized it was going to be so big. Anyway, my plan is to post a picture of his 'progress' every few weeks. The product I will be using on him is Anew Crows Feet Corrector

Retail value $29

Now he has already warned me that he will not be applying these creams on himself, and that it will be my responsibility to apply it on him... (party pooper!) But, oh well! I suppose I can handle that. Speaking 'handling' things....READ ON!'s another link to a timesaving tip for doing laundry (The Dreaded 'L' Word) You can tackle the Beast! thanks to my oh so fave site-

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