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Monday, July 18, 2011

Paletas Anyone?

Paletas (click here)

Paletas: Authentic Recipes for Mexican Ice Pops, Shaved Ice & Aguas Frescas [Hardcover]


How hard can it be to make your own paletas??? I think you'll be seeing me in my own bicycle&Cart ringing my bell... I think I'm ordering this book.... (Homemade Dinner can wait.... ;-)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mealtime rut?!?!?!?

I think I need a re-charge. I seem to be in a cooking dinner funk! I can't seem to get motivated! Just when I have a 'good idea' for dinner, by the time dinner making time arrives, my inspiration has faded; and you'll find me suggesting Subway or pizza for dinner..... And then I feel guilty for not being one of those moms that makes healthy and delicious meals on time!!! This seems to be a cycle... And am now determined to 'plan ahead'! But first, I am doing some research: Can anyone recommend their favorite app/site for recipes? I need something efficient and easy to look up! I'll do my own research too and check back soon!

Thanks friends!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Updating E-mail List

If you want to stay connected with all things Mark and Avon, please respond to this posting to be added on my mailing list. I promise I won't bombard you with daily emails...just when I have upcoming sales/great deals, or to remind you when I am placing orders.  
You can email me : or respond to my post on facebook.
I also do texting, so if you prefer that I communicate with you that way, please email me your phone number.

If you already receive my emails, no need to respond (unless you want to drop out).

Friday, July 8, 2011

I WANT One!!!!!

This totally reminds me of Thrifty's Ice Cream!
This takes me back big time!!!! 
I thought this was very cool and wanted to share!

Don't you want one?