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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cleaning 101

I hope my mother never reads this post! I'm sure this goes against everything she has ever 'taught' me.
I recently came across this article in Real Simple (yup, my favorite magazine and website) that is a Cleaning 101. You will find a section on How To Fake a Clean House as well as Surprising New Cleaning Solutions and other tips on keeping a clean house. If there is anything I want (need) these days, its a housecleaner. One that comes every day and picks up after everyone, does the dishes, dusts...oh, yeah and cooks dinner!  Then again, I could take Maya's advice. Whenever I used to ask her to make her bed she replies (kinda confused) by asking why she has to make her bed, if it is just gonna get messed up again that evening. (Hhhmmmm, she's actually right! But she'll never know that). Take some time to click on these links. You might be surprised and learn a few things.

Happy Cleaning!


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